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  • Description

    Duplicate defects are a new functionality within CheckedSafe which enables for defects which have been raised on

    • The Same Vehicle
    • The Same Question from the same Check Template

    Any Defect will be marked as a “Duplicate” if both of the above conditions are met.

    By Default, and unless opted into, defects will not be marked as “Duplicate”.

    To opt in to marking defects as duplicates, each question must have the “Check For Duplicates” option ticked from the Edit Check Template page.

    To do this, first find the question required to be marked as a duplicate, and click on the Advanced Options icon, marked as (1) in the below diagram

    This will open up the Options Window, and from here, tick the Check For Duplicates option marked as (2) in the below diagram

    Once ticked, click “Done” and then ensure to click “Save Changes”.

    Once a defect duplicate has been configured, the first time a defect is raised, it will be displayed as usual:

    When a subsequent defect is raised on the same vehicle and on the same question the following will be displayed:

    1 – Displaying the original defect created by the operator “Slight 1mm chip on passenger side of windscreen”

    2 – Clicking “View” takes you to View the Check the original defect was raised on

    3 – The duplicated defect shows the second time a defect is raise, and the value written by the Operator “There is SILL a 1mm chip on passenger side of windscreen”

    4 – Clicking “View” here takes you to View the check the duplicated defect was raised on


    Any action performed, e.g. “Clear Defect”, “Make Serviceable”, “General Note” etc. will apply to ALL of the defects.

    i.e. in the above example, adding a note and clicking “Clear Defect” will clear both of the defects at the same time

    Important Notes:

    • Any number of defects can be marked as “duplicate”, there is only 1 shown in the above example, but any number can be raised
    • Updates to any Defect, via either the API or via the UI will be applied to ALL duplicates( whether the action is performed on the “Original” defect or one of the “Duplicates”)
    • Duplicate checking is “opt-in” and is configurable from the Check Edit Template screen as described above, it is OFF by default for all questions
    • Notifications will not be sent via the API or via Email when a duplicate defect has been raised (the original defect will continue to send notifications)
  • 28th April 2024


    Job Cards Calendar View

    It is now possible to view Job Cards on a Calendar view.

    The Job Card Calendar View can be accessed via the standard Job Card table view screen, and then selecting the “Calendar View” radio button:

    Once selected, the Calendar View will be displayed, which will be centred around today’s date:

    Each Job Card can be reassigned to a different User via dragging and dropping an event to a different User.
    Drag an event horizontally to change the Start and End Date of the selected Job Card.

    Up arrows indicate a high priority job.


    Daily Check Report – Improvements

    On the Daily Check Report (both User centric and Vehicle centric), previously if a User performed the same check more than once on the same day, only the first check would be displayed.

    Similarly, if a Vehicle has been checked using the same check template more than once, then only the first check completed would be displayed

    This has now been changed such that all checks on a given day are displayed, like below:

  • 28th March 2024


    Assign Multiple Job Cards

    It is now possible to create multiple Job Cards at once via the Active Defects list screen.

    A Job Card can still be created via the View Check Details screen one defect at a time via the assign link:

    This update allows multiple defects to be selected:

    Once selected, clicking on the “Assign(selected)” button will popup the Job Card dialouge allowing Job Cards to be created for the selected defects:

    There will be one Job Card created for each Defect selected, the Available To, Scheduled Start/End Date and Is High Priority will be the same for each created Job Card

  • 27th February 2024


    View Active Defect – Filter Improvements

    CheckedSafe has added the functionality to filter on the following statuses within Active Defects:.

    • Has General Note Will return defects which have had a “General Note” added
    • Defect Made Vor This options returns defects which have marked the associated Vehicle as VOR
    • Is Assigned This options returns defects which have been assigned in a Job Card

    View Checks – Filter Improvements

    CheckedSafe has added the functionality to multiselect on the following statues on the Vehicle Check screen.

    • No Defects
    • Requires Sign Off
    • Active Defects
    • Active Serviceable
    • Defects Cleared
    • Defects & Warnings Cleared
  • 9th February 2024


    Fuel Cost Table View & Excel Export

    Fuel cost data the is extracted from Fuel Receipts can now be aggregated and viewed on the Fuel Cost Overview screen.

    The “All Data” columns show the averages for all data that is held for the Vehicle.

    Each Month View shows the average fuel cost, consumption and emissions for the given calendar month. Any month(s) with missing data will be displayed as n/a

    There is also an export allowing for all data to be downloaded to Excel

  • 18th January 2024


    Fuel Receipts

    CheckedSafe has added the functionality to automatically record Fuel Receipts as a Vehicle Cost.

    Previously, Fuel Receipts were recorded via a check from a Driver / Operator, and viewed via the View Checks page.

    This functionally still exists, now however, the details from the Fuel Receipt can be automatically extracted from the receipt via OCR (optical character recognition) and populated into the Vehicle Cost section.

    The following values are automatically extracted:

    • Total Amount in Litres
    • Fuel Cost (£/l) e.g. £1.25 per litre
    • Total Cost (£)
    Record Fuel Receipt via CheckedSafe App

    Below is an image of the “Fuel Receipt” template as visible in the Mobile Application:

    The fields “Fuel Amount Litres”, “Pence Per Litre” and “Total Price” are optional fields (which can be removed from the check template entirely if required).

    • If these fields are populated via the App User, they will be automatically populated as a Vehicle Cost.
    • If these fields are not populated, an OCR of the image fuel receipt will be used in order to determine the values.
    View Extracted Fuel Cost on Vehicle Cost List View

    Once a “Fuel Receipt” Check is completed, it will be parsed and stored as a Vehicle Cost

    1. To filter Vehicle Costs that are only Fuel Costs select “FUEL” from this dropdown
    2. Any “Fuel Costs” will have the fuel icon displayed in this column
    3. To view more detail, or to fix any OCR recognition errors, click “View Detail”
    View Extracted Fuel Cost on Vehicle Cost Detail View

    To View the detail of the Fuel Cost, and to correct any Driver input / OCR recognition errors

    1. Total Amount in Litres
    2. Fuel Cost Per Litre (inc. VAT) in £ and pence
    3. Total Cost of all Fuel

    Any incorrect fields can be corrected via this screen, change to one field will automatically update the other two fields.

    Fixing Receipts OCR not able to read

    Depending on the quality of the picture, OCR may not be able to automatically recognise values on the receipt. To view

    1. Select “Show Failed Cost Records” and click “Search”
    2. The Status column will show as Red, and click on “View / Edit” as usual to fix the errored row
    Import Multiple Fuel Costs

    It is possible to upload fuel costs in bulk via an Excel Uploader. To Upload click “Import Fuel Costs” on the Vehicle Cost list page.

    Download the template and complete in the format specified, and then upload

  • 13th December 2023


    Repeat Bulk Notification

    On the Create Bulk Notification screen, added the ability to repeat a scheduled message.

    To View scheduled repeating notification, go to View Bulk Notification page and select “Scheduled” radio button. You will be able to see the next date of when your notification is going to be sent out.

  • Description
    • The back office of the CheckedSafe app now includes a page detailing new features and updates of the app without the need to go looking on the website.
  • 30th November 2023


    Add MOT and VED to Vehicle List View

    For Vehicles which have “Load MOT” ticked, and “Load Vehicle Data” ticked, the Vehicle List View will display the MOT expiry Date and the VED expiry date.

    Add Vehicle Status to Vehicle List Filter

    More options for filtering Vehicles have been added to the Filter View.
    There are now the following options (options marked with ** are selected by default).

    • Is Not VOR (Vehicle Off Road) **
    • MOT Expiring within 30 days
    • MOT Expired
    • VED Expiring within 30 days
    • VED Expired
    • Vehicle is Ended
    • Vehicle is not Ended **

    The dedicated filter options “Vehicle is Ended / Vehicle is not Ended” and “Is VOR / Is Not VOR” have been removed, the same functionality can now be achieved.

    Add Licence Check, MOT and VED to Weekly & Monthly Email Summaries

    Any Vehicles that have either a VED or MOT expiring within the Email Period (Weekly or Monthly) will be displayed on the email.
    Similarly, any of your operator Driving Licences, Tacho Cards or CPC Cards that are expiring within the Email Period (Weekly or Monthly) will be displayed.

    Any licences, MOTs or VEDs that have already expired will always be displayed, regardless of Email Period.

    Trailer MOT lookup

    For operational purposes, when it comes to Trailers, many customers use the “Vehicle Registration” field as a “Driver Friendly” name e.g. TR1, TRAILER 1, etc. adding the actual ‘C’ number (C123456) to the Vehicle / Equipment ID field.
    This prevented the Trailer MOT from being correctly determined. Now, the Vehicle / Equipment ID field will be used when the following criteria are met;

    • Category has the word “Trailer” anywhere
    • The Vehicle Registration field does not match the format ‘C123456’
    • The Vehicle / Equipment ID field does match the format ‘C123456’

    Below is an example of a Vehicle which would use the Vehicle / Equipment ID field to look up the MOT data:

  • Description
    • Bespoke templates:  to enable you to check ANYTHING (Fleet, Plant, Assets, Buildings, Hand tools, Sites etc.)
    • Full maintenance/Fleet management solution: This allows scheduling your PMI’s. Brake Roller Tests, Wheel Torque, LOLER check etc. The system provides the ability to either do the check digitally or if you prefer use manual PMI sheets and upload them to our system and we will digitise them so you can be totally paperless. We can also provide all your HSE depot/office Risk Checks.
    • Countersign: you can have managers/Supervisors countersigning checks.
    • Unlimited document storage: either for vehicles/assets or users – including scheduling reminders and sign off documents such as induction etc.
    • Unlimited users
    • Message service: this is located in the back office to App users and is useful for things like briefings and toolbox talks. This has proved very popular as it allows you to communicate with all of your staff, you can forward plan messages, great for early morning team briefings, toolbox talks etc.
    • Documents-to-app service: The customer can push documents to the user via the app. Useful for certifications, dig-tickets, access documents. covid-19 briefings, company handbooks, operating manuals and more. You can track the users accessing the documents via the app.
    • Reminders & notifications: for things like servicing, PMI, maintenance, LOLER, MOT’s, insurance – in fact anything for vehicle/assets! This will provide a weekly-to-do list to allow you to keep on top of the compliance provisions for the business.
    • Daily, weekly or monthly push summaries: emailed to your inbox, no need to go looking!
    • Create and edit your own templates
    • Create and edit your own roles
    • Multi-language checks: (including Cyrillic symbols)
    • DVLA V5 vehicle data including MOT: we scrape the DVLA data for key V5 data. Plus, you can add your own data to that area without any limits.
    • Job cards: pushing and creating job cards to anyone via the app. The app user updates the system followed by app based job collation for the workshop/mobile fitter etc.
    • Vehicle cost recording: record all your costs to a vehicle and then run a report.
    • Driver licence checking: online driver licence checking managed by you the client so you can have as many or as little checks as you wish
    • Full reporting tools: Excel/PDF/CSV so you can run off reports an any pages and do as you see fit. You can also schedule regular reports to drop into your inbox when you want them!
    • Trend reports: to report everything checked or not checked, timings, patterns of defects etc.
    • Cloud based solution: using AWS Server a true SaaS Platform, so you can operate the system from anywhere as long as you have an internet connection.
    • Accredited and validated by DVSA IT ER systems provider
    • Endorsed by the Border Force Agency
    • Certified to CyberEssentials+, ISO9001, ISO27001
    • Our software belongs to us! All our software belongs to us and we do not need to licence parts of it from others.
    • 3rd party integration via API: we can link with anyone and have an open API for that purpose

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