An overview of the Compliance app features

Published on 13th April, 2023

  • Bespoke templates:  to enable you to check ANYTHING (Fleet, Plant, Assets, Buildings, Hand tools, Sites etc.)
  • Full maintenance/Fleet management solution: This allows scheduling your PMI’s. Brake Roller Tests, Wheel Torque, LOLER check etc. The system provides the ability to either do the check digitally or if you prefer use manual PMI sheets and upload them to our system and we will digitise them so you can be totally paperless. We can also provide all your HSE depot/office Risk Checks.
  • Countersign: you can have managers/Supervisors countersigning checks.
  • Unlimited document storage: either for vehicles/assets or users – including scheduling reminders and sign off documents such as induction etc.
  • Unlimited users
  • Message service: this is located in the back office to App users and is useful for things like briefings and toolbox talks. This has proved very popular as it allows you to communicate with all of your staff, you can forward plan messages, great for early morning team briefings, toolbox talks etc.
  • Documents-to-app service: The customer can push documents to the user via the app. Useful for certifications, dig-tickets, access documents. covid-19 briefings, company handbooks, operating manuals and more. You can track the users accessing the documents via the app.
  • Reminders & notifications: for things like servicing, PMI, maintenance, LOLER, MOT’s, insurance – in fact anything for vehicle/assets! This will provide a weekly-to-do list to allow you to keep on top of the compliance provisions for the business.
  • Daily, weekly or monthly push summaries: emailed to your inbox, no need to go looking!
  • Create and edit your own templates
  • Create and edit your own roles
  • Multi-language checks: (including Cyrillic symbols)
  • DVLA V5 vehicle data including MOT: we scrape the DVLA data for key V5 data. Plus, you can add your own data to that area without any limits.
  • Job cards: pushing and creating job cards to anyone via the app. The app user updates the system followed by app based job collation for the workshop/mobile fitter etc.
  • Vehicle cost recording: record all your costs to a vehicle and then run a report.
  • Driver licence checking: online driver licence checking managed by you the client so you can have as many or as little checks as you wish
  • Full reporting tools: Excel/PDF/CSV so you can run off reports an any pages and do as you see fit. You can also schedule regular reports to drop into your inbox when you want them!
  • Trend reports: to report everything checked or not checked, timings, patterns of defects etc.
  • Cloud based solution: using AWS Server a true SaaS Platform, so you can operate the system from anywhere as long as you have an internet connection.
  • Accredited and validated by DVSA IT ER systems provider
  • Endorsed by the Border Force Agency
  • Certified to CyberEssentials+, ISO9001, ISO27001
  • Our software belongs to us! All our software belongs to us and we do not need to licence parts of it from others.
  • 3rd party integration via API: we can link with anyone and have an open API for that purpose

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