17th January 2019
CheckedSafe Validated as a IT Systems Provider for DVSA Earned Recognition
We’re proud to announce that CheckedSafe has been validated as an IT Systems provider for the DVSA Earned Recognition scheme.
Having worked closely with the DVSA since the inception of the Earned Recognition Scheme, during the pilot/trials and its subsequent launch, we’re extremely proud to receive this accolade.
What Is Earned Recognition
Earned recognition will recognise operators who show high standards of compliance and It will at this stage be a voluntary scheme.
The DVSA admit that roadside checks cost operators time and money and use up their own precious resources. So that is why they want to make sure that compliant businesses aren’t stopped unnecessarily. By using the Earned Recognition concept it means that the DVSA can then redirect their resources to the operators who pose the biggest risk to road safety.
Earned recognition is a new way for vehicle operators to prove they meet driver and vehicle standards. Pilot participants regularly share performance information with the DVSA and in return, their vehicles are less likely to be stopped for inspections.
Earned Recognition will be accredited to operators who record and submit data which satisfies key performance indicators relevant to vehicle maintenance, drivers’ hours and will recognise operators who show high standards of compliance.
The DVSA admit that roadside checks cost operators time and money and use up their own resources. So that’s why they want to make sure that compliant businesses aren’t stopped unnecessarily. By using the Earned Recognition concept, it means that the DVSA can then redirect their resources to the operators who pose the biggest risk to road safety.