Swift Scaffolding
Swift Scaffolding Ltd is based in Marks Tey, Colchester and supply, erect and hires Scaffolding covering London and the South East. We operate 6 HGV’s, 10 Trailers as well as 14 small vans and a mix of company cars Aim: To improve the daily defect inspections, rectification and monitoring as well as improve compliance, maintenance and efficiencies.
Products used/implemented: Daily Defect Inspections, FORS compliance Checks.
Aim: To improve the daily defect inspections, rectification and monitoring as well as improve compliance, maintenance and efficiencies.
In The Past…
Our drivers have to travel to various locations to erect or deliver scaffolding as part of their job but unlike a haulage or bus driver it isn’t their primary one, so we wanted to find better ways to ensure that the drivers were carrying out their daily checks correctly and effectively. In the past, and as most companies, we were using paper-based cards which often led to misplaced or unreadable reporting and was time consuming to administrate. Back at head office, we couldn’t guarantee that all the vehicle daily checks had actually been completed until later on in the day. This lack of monitoring concerned us so we started to research for “Digital Compliance Solutions”.
How Did CheckedSafe Help?
CheckedSafe ensured better compliance as all drivers are now carrying out the checks digitally, we can see when, where and how long the check took to carry out. The CheckedSafe system as everything in one place so keeping an eye on compliance is now so much easier. It also had an immediate effect; the drivers found the App very easy to use and they actually preferred doing it on their smart-phone rather than on the original paper version.
The reporting and notifications of defects, email alerts and scheduling of maintenance have made it easier for the logistics team to manage. We did look at other solutions and even considered developing our own however, after trialling CheckedSafe we could see that they had the best compliance solution and had thought of most if not every situation.
The system is often updated in line with the latest compliance standards, added functionality and other great benefits, a big plus for us was their standard and bespoke check templates which are based on DVSA and other industry standards and as we are FORS Gold and CLOCS Champions this helped us attain and maintain them.
Meryvn Rolf-Logistics Manager: Initially we carried out studies and worked out that we would save money and employee hours over the year compared to the old paper reporting using CheckedSafe.
I’m pleased to say that reduced costs and improved efficiencies surpassed our initial predictions and now we’ve been able to streamline our administrative processes and go almost entirely paperless which is saving us around 30 hours a month in administration alone”